
Weekly Newsletter

Tuesday 2nd July 2024


Saturday 6th July - Bridge, Blank & Committee Cups Qualifying

  • Bridge to 15, Blank 16 to 20, Committee 21 plus
  • Stroke on handicap then Matchplay on handicap


Results – Saturday 29th June

Top Dog 5: Grade 1 – Simon Trower 40 pts, Grade 2 – John Morris 36 pts (cb)

The winner of Top Dog 5 the Top Dog carpark is Simon Trower

Round 2 of 3 Tee Challenge (best stableford after 2 rounds): Grade 1 Kris O’Neil & Jeramie Neaves 74 pts, Grade 2 Mike Hodgins 73 pts & Terry Mitchell 72 pts

Today’s Hot Rounds:  Gross – Kris O’Neill 70, Nett – Simon Trower 67


Upcoming Events

Saturday 13th July – Bridge, Blank & Committee Cups Matchplay (Start sheet not open until Sunday 7th July)


Stu Turner/ Mike Davies – Men’s Committee



Saturday 6th July Top Cat July, Hidden Holes Stableford

Tuesday 2nd July – Top Cat July



Saturday 29th June: Unofficial Competition (Pairs stableford multiplied by two) - Carole Brittenden and Jane Coleman.

Tuesday 2nd July – no golf due to dire weather


Anne Hill – Women’s Committee



Wednesday 3rd July – DB Trophy Round 2, Top Cat


Results Wednesday 26th June

Dorothy Brophy Trophy Round 3: 1st Place Pat Barwick 20 stableford points, 2nd Place Paula Kenny 19 stableford points - Great play in pretty wet conditions ladies.

Bernice Hey/ Donalda Barr – 9 Hole Group


Monday Results (0 Players): 0 pts Winner Hughie!! 


Thursday Results (20 Players): 35 pts Winner Anthony Liken, 35 pts Gerald Evans, 34 pts Gary Maw 

 25 pts Toad Trophy - Ian Boanas 


Important Note: Thursday June 27th we will have our regular 9 Hole Comp. Start time is 11:30 am allowing players to enjoy the camaraderie of those playing 18 holes and be included in the prize giving. 



Reon Murtha/ Trevor Stevens – Senior Men



We are using Dotgolf for our Competitions. To see the results, go to our website, click on Members Zone & then on Competition Results. Scroll down to select the relevant competition. Click on Best Rounds for the date, & then Division for the results.



  • Know the Golf Rules?

 Is it a penalty if your ball is accidentally moved?

1.searching - If you or your opponent move the ball whilst looking for it, no penalty. (7.4) However, if it gets moved before the search, it is one penalty stroke (9.4 b) 

2. loose impediments - one penalty stroke if the ball moves (15.1b)

3. on the putting green - no penalty, no matter how it happened (13.1d)

4. practice swing -one penalty stroke (9.4)

5. falling off the tee when you are about to swing, no penalty (6.2b 5)

6. movable obstruction e.g. bunker rake, towel, no penalty (15.2a)

In all situations, replace the ball to where it was. Failure to do so, and playing from the wrong place will incur the general penalty of 2 strokes (14.7a)

7. outside influence natural forces eg wind or water - play from new spot, no penalty. On the putting green - put it back if already lifted and replaced 13.1d, 14.2


  • No External Events this Week


  • Local Rules (see Notice Board)

Some changes instigated this week – removal of the Leaf Rule, implementation of Placing in General Area. See the Notice Board for the detailed rule.

  • Placing in General Area (15cm)



Trident Homes (Head Office) | Home and Garden Shows





Waitikiri Golf Club
03 383-1400
Waitikiri Golf Club Facebook

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